Terjemahan: Large-sized meteorite found in the mountainous area northwest of China. Stone weighing about 25 tons was estimated to one of thelargest meteorite ever.
Batu yang ditemukan di Pegunungan Altai, Provinsi Xinjiang, itu merupakan meteorit yang memiliki kandungan nikel yang banyak (dikenal dengan istilah meteorit besi)."Barangkali meteorit ini adalah meteorit besi terbesar kedua," kata Baolin Zang, spesialis meteorit dari Beijing Planetarium.
Terjemahan ke inggris: Stones found in the Altai Mountains, Xinjiang Province, it is ameteorite that has a lot of nickel content (known as ironmeteorites).
"Perhaps this meteorite is the second largest iron meteorite," saidZang Baolin, a meteorite specialist from Beijing Planetarium
"Perhaps this meteorite is the second largest iron meteorite," saidZang Baolin, a meteorite specialist from Beijing Planetarium
Meteorit raksasa menonjol keluar dari lempengan granit yang lebih besar. Bagian yang terletak di atas tanah memiliki panjang 2,3 meter dengan lebar separuh panjangnya.
Zhang dalam wawancaranya dengan China Central Television menyebutkan bahwa meteorit berasal dari luar tata surya.
Pada awal bulan ini, Baolin Zhang, seorang peneliti ahli bidang meteorit di Planetarium Beijing, telah membentuk tim khusus untuk menyelidiki laporan meteor tersebut.
Tim naik ke ketinggian puncak 9.500 kaki (2.900 meter), dan mulai mengidentifikasi batu bintang besar dengan warna kecoklatan ini.
Terjemahan: Currently the largest meteorite found in Namibia, weighingapproximately 60 tons. Zhang estimates, the mass of the meteorite Xinjiang in the range between 25-30 tons.
Giant meteorite slab granite jutting out from the larger. Sectionlocated on the ground has a length of 2.3 meters in width half thelength.
Zhang in an interview with China Central Television said that themeteorite came from outside the solar system.
Earlier this month, Zhang Baolin, a meteorite expert researchersin the field of Beijing Planetarium, has formed a special team toinvestigate reports that a meteor.
The team rose to the peak height of 9500 feet (2900 meters),and begin to identify major rock star with this brownish color.
Giant meteorite slab granite jutting out from the larger. Sectionlocated on the ground has a length of 2.3 meters in width half thelength.
Zhang in an interview with China Central Television said that themeteorite came from outside the solar system.
Earlier this month, Zhang Baolin, a meteorite expert researchersin the field of Beijing Planetarium, has formed a special team toinvestigate reports that a meteor.
The team rose to the peak height of 9500 feet (2900 meters),and begin to identify major rock star with this brownish color.
Terjemahan : According to Meenakshi Wadhwa of the Center for MeteoriteStudies, Arizona State University, most meteorites formed 4 billion years ago, when the solar system formed, "These findingsprovide data related to the potential for the formation of solar system history."
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